Intermediate Conveyor Belt 27x1.4 Meters

0913 602 660

Intermediate Conveyor Belt 27x1.4 Meters

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The port conveyor belt is one of the most important pieces of equipment in the transportation industry in general and in cargo handling in particular. The conveyor belt's task is to transport goods to ports for import and export quickly and efficiently. Additionally, high-capacity conveyor belts are used to transport large, heavy materials more easily. Let's explore in detail this type of conveyor belt and some of its applications!

Cơ khí Sơn Tùng - Địa chỉ cung cấp băng tải cầu cảng uy tín

What is a port conveyor belt?

A port conveyor belt is equipment used to transport goods from waterways to land (such as barges or ships). Port conveyor belts are used in warehouses or ports and come in two main types: mobile conveyors and fixed conveyors. Depending on the terrain and the type of goods to be transported, the appropriate type of conveyor belt is selected.

Additionally, the two types of conveyor belts can be flexibly combined to create an optimal transmission system. Although there are two types of conveyors, both are similar in terms of material. Most components such as the drive drum, idle drum, frame, and lower belt support rollers are made from stainless steel. As a result, the conveyor belt can perform its task effectively and has a high durability in all weather conditions. In practice, to reduce unnecessary impacts, the equipment can be equipped with additional deceleration motors to ensure smoother transportation of goods.

Tìm hiểu về băng tải cầu cảng

Basic structure of a port conveyor belt

A port conveyor belt is made up of several basic components, including: conveyor belt, conveyor belt, drum rollers, rollers, etc.

Conveyor Belt
The conveyor belt consists of the conveyor structure – a frame, ensuring the system’s lifting and lowering structure is fixed. Additionally, the conveyor has several other components such as the drive system, belt support rollers, tensioning devices, cleaning components, and other equipment.

Conveyor Belt
Conveyor belts come in two main types: plastic belts and rubber conveyor belts.

  • Rubber belts are suitable for working environments with temperatures ranging from -15 to 45°C and are used to transport materials with a slight incline.
  • Plastic belts are resistant to acid, alkali, and oil, and have a width equal to that of the conveyor belt.

The conveyor belt rollers come in two types: double rollers and single rollers. There are also leveling devices, impact rollers, trough rollers, and self-aligning rollers. The leveling devices help withstand forces and are used for transporting loose materials. The non-load rollers adjust the horizontal position of the belt, while the impact rollers help reduce the impact of materials on the belt.

The conveyor belt has two main drums: the reverse drum and the drive drum. The drums feature multiple double and single rollers, whose primary task is to transmit force.

Cấu tạo cơ bản của băng tải cầu cảng

Classification and Requirements for Port Conveyors

Currently, port conveyors come in various types, each with different functionalities and price ranges. Below are some common types that are widely used:

  • Traditional port conveyor.
  • Port conveyor with 2 cable-supported pillars.
  • Port conveyor with 4 cable-supported pillars.
  • Port conveyor with 4 arms.

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Port Conveyor Types

Cơ khí Sơn Tùng will analyze the pros and cons of two types of port conveyors that are commonly used in many warehouses and ports, to help readers make the most suitable choice.

Fixed Installation


  • Strong and durable structure.
  • High security level.
  • Good resistance capability.
  • Can handle heavy cargo.
  • Material investment in thicker parts increases durability.
  • Can retrieve goods from far offshore with long distances.


  • Difficult to install.
  • Long completion time.
  • Requires infrastructure support from investors.
  • High infrastructure investment costs.
  • Difficult to repair and maintain.
  • Lacks mobility and flexibility in cargo handling.
  • Ships, boats, and barges must be anchored at a fixed position to load goods.
  • Must have a business license for maritime transport.

Băng tải cầu cảng cố định

Mobile Installation


  • Lower cost.
  • Quick installation.
  • High mobility and flexibility.
  • Easy to repair and maintain.
  • Ships, boats, and barges can be docked at various positions.
  • No need for a maritime business license.

Key Features of Port Conveyors

Currently, there are two main types of port conveyors: mobile conveyors and fixed conveyors. Mobile conveyors can move to different loading positions thanks to their dynamic balancing system and flexible wheels.

  • The conveyor system typically includes: one lifting conveyor and one lowering conveyor, precisely positioned for loading. The conveyor is connected to belts made from durable canvas material with a V-shaped groove, offering excellent anti-slip properties to ensure better adhesion of cargo to the conveyor. Industrial conveyors can be connected to both lifting conveyors and mobile conveyors.

  • The conveyor speed can be adjusted flexibly to suit the type of cargo being loaded, optimizing loading time and capacity.

Đặc điểm chính của băng tải cầu cảng

Some Outstanding Features of Port Conveyors

Port conveyors are widely used in cargo transportation processes due to several notable advantages:

  • High-quality construction with optimal durability.
  • Good transportation capability; the simple conveyor structure makes it easy to maintain.
  • Low transportation costs, sustainability, and flexibility.
  • Ability to transport products over long distances from the shore, ensuring smooth transmission.
  • Can invest in thick materials to increase durability.
  • Long transport distances, continuous operation, large volumes, and high capacity.
  • Widely applicable and useful in various fields, with durable and powerful support equipment.

Applications of Port Conveyors in Practice

Port conveyors are now used in many industries, particularly in the industrial sector. They assist in transporting goods from the riverbank to trucks or containers, or in loading cargo from the shore to ships or boats on the river. With their ability to withstand heavy loads and transport over long distances, port conveyors are ideal for carrying large quantities of goods such as construction materials, ores, coal, etc. Additionally, this equipment is also used to transport lighter products such as food, agricultural products, clothing, and more.

Ứng dụng của băng tải cầu cảng trong thực tế

Through this article, Gầu Ngoạm Sơn Tùng would like to share with readers information about port conveyors and analyze their structure and outstanding characteristics. If you wish to learn more, please send us a message or contact us directly via the following channels for thorough support:

  • Headquarters: 1108 Huỳnh Tấn Phát, KP. 4, P. Tân Phú, District 7, HCMC
  • Hotline: (028). 3 77 33 0 99 – 0913 602 660 - Fax: (028). 3 77 33 0 98
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